On Saturday 29th January 2022, history was made at the Jaffery Academy Mombasa!! Jaffery Academy held it’s first ever car Treasure Hunt event which took place around Mombasa town.
The IRE team organised this event in honour of two great personalities, celebrating their birth anniversaries, Lady Fatema Zahra (a.s) and Imam Ali (a.s), who taught us the true values of family bonding and parenting. And so, that brought the objective of this amazing treasure hunt…’Bringing families together’.

Our Junior School learners blessed the start with verses from the Holy Quran, a lovely welcome song and our awesome Jaffery School Chant ‘We are from Jaffery!’

The School driveway was buzzing with excitement as our Jaffery families and students, waited patiently for the flag off !!! And what a flag off it was!!!! It was an honour to have the Chairman of the K.S.I Education Board, Mr. Masumali Meghji, who officially flagged off the first car at 2.30 pm, along with the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Mohammed Khaki, the School Business Manager, Mrs. Neelam Jiwa and our Head of Schools, Mr. Alwiga, Ms. Irene and Mrs. Omar. It truly was a splendid start to the event.

A total of 50 registered cars, all filled with happy families, full of energy and excitement, moved around the Mombasa town following a guided route map, answering the clues and having fun! The cars at the finishing point all gave the same feedback. ‘It was so much fun’ , ‘We had a lovely time’, ‘Quality family time’, ‘The best thing after the Covid situation’.

Congratulations to our top three Winners! The competition was definitely tight but you emerged at the top! Thank you for participating and supporting our first ever treasure hunt. To all the participants we cannot express our happiness enough; that you all came out in great numbers, took part and enjoyed the family event! Thank you for being a part of the Jaffery Way! Thank you for bringing families together!