The IRE Team organised the Learning Walk of Arbaeen on Friday 16th September, 2022, from 9am – 12pm, at the MullaAsghar Hall. There were various displays, visuals and lessons depicting the event of Kerbala, the awareness of Arbaeen, the role of Lady Zainab, what famous personalities have shared about Imam Husayn and finally a special desk where students wrote what they learnt from this walk.
We were blessed with the presence of Mawlana Syed Zaki Baqiri, the visiting Islamic Scholar (Aalim) together with the Hon. Secretary of KSI Jamaat, Mr. Yusuf Jiwa, Mr. Masumali Meghji, the Chairman of the KSI Education Board, and all the Board Members of the KSI Education Board.
It was heart-warming to see our Senior school student volunteers who led the walk and highlighted the learning to young and all, from our little angels at Nursery, to our young ones at Junior school and then to our amazing teens at Seniorschool.
It was encouraging to see the team work displayed by the IRE Team, and the students who worked hand in hand to hall mark this great event. Truly, our students gave a practical aspect to the value theme of the term, SACRIFICE, as they gave their time and efforts in spreading the lessons of Kerbala.